present people

Tomer Aiznkot

Master student
Characterization of TAC3r knockout line in Tilapia

Ishwar Atre

PhD student
Understanding the binding mechanism between key reproductive neuro-endocrine hormones and their receptors along the HPG-axis in Piscean models.

Noam Cohen-Rothschild

Master student
Characterization of a novel fast-growing zebrafish: a new approach to GH transgenesis
Noam pic

Lian Hollander Cohen

PhD student
Study the differential regulation on LH and FSH in transgenic zebrafish and tilapia

Naama Mizrahi Ben-Naim

PhD student
Interchange between neuropeptides in the control of energy homeostasis and reproduction

Nadav Neumann

Master student
Differential Dopamine D2 Receptor Types Localized in Tilapia Gonadotrophs: Physiological and Molecular Characterization